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Spring 2025 Workshops Recordings
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Video Tutorials
Grasshopper Tutorials
WeaverBird for Grasshopper:
WeaverBird for 3D Printing
WeaverBird for Rhino 5: Combining WeaverBird and Paneling Tools
WeaverBird for Rhino 5: Subdivision Modeling Basics
RhinoNest: Optimized Sheet Layouts
RhinoCAM 3 Axis CNC Toolpathing
Rhino: Populating Objects Along Surfaces
Rhino: Exploded Axonometric Diagram
Rhino 5: The Cube Project
Rhino 5: Surfaces Primer
Rhino 5: Paneling Tools for 3D Printing
Rhino 5: Labeling 3D Printed
Rhino 5: Joinery and Assembly Techniques for 3D Printing
Rhino 5: Introduction to Rhino UI
Rhino 5: Introduction to Rhino Object Types
Rhino 5: Fundamentals of Meshing
Rhino 5: Designing Folded Objects for Laser Cutting
Rhino 5: Coloring + Labeling 3D Printed Assemblies
Rhino 5: Advanced Surface Creation Techniques
Rhino 5 & MicroScribe G2: Digitizing Folded Models
Rhino & Adobe CS: Creating Layered Drawings in Adobe from Rhino Models
Revit: Wall Joins
Revit: Structure Tutorial
Revit: Stair Tutorial
Revit: Precast Concrete Facades
Revit: Massing and Site Intro
Revit: Layout and Visibility
Revit: Custom Family Canopy Tutorial
Revit: Hollow Core Slab Openings
Revit: Curtain Walls Tutorial
Revit: Basics
Revit: Angled Column Grid Annotations
Revit: Adaptive Components
Paneling Tools for Rhino: Introduction to Paneling
Paneling Tools for Rhino: Controlling Panel Variation
Paneling Tools for Rhino: 3D Paneling
Paneling Tools for Rhino: 2D Paneling
Kangaroo: Introduction & Mesh Relaxation
Grasshopper: Vectors Primer
Grasshopper: Points Primers
Grasshopper: Variable Componentry Using Surface Subdivision and Attractor Points
Grasshopper: Unrolling Developable Componentry
Grasshopper: Smart Baking for Laser Cutting
Grasshopper: Paneling Tools for Grasshopper
Grasshopper: Math, Logic, and Lists
Grasshopper: Managing Design Options with Saved States
Grasshopper: Controlling Variable Aperture Component Systems
Grasshopper: Laser Fabrication Workflow
Grasshopper: Interface and Basic Workflow Concepts
Grasshopper: Curve Types and Curve Continuity
Grasshopper: Curve Domains and Parametric Curves
Grasshopper: Creating WireFrame Geometry for 3D Printing
Grasshopper: Controlling a Servo Motor with Firefly
Grasshopper: Capturing Sound as 3D-Printable Form Using Python
Grasshopper: Box Morphing and
Surfaces of Revolution
Grasshopper: Attractors
Grasshopper + RhinoCAM: Sine Curve Toolpaths
eQuest Tutorials
Energy Plus: Zoning
Energy Plus:
Output Variables & Fixing Run Errors
Energy Plus: Construction and Shading
CNC Machining:
Box Morphing for 4th Axis Rotary
Using ArcGIS to Collect NYC Data
ArcGIS: ArcMap Basic 1-3